Pajaro River Flood Risk Management Project

Watsonville, CA

County of Santa Cruz Flood Control
& Water Conservation Disrict Zone 7


The Pajaro River Flood Risk Management Project is a $400 million project that will reduce flood risk for the City of Watsonville, town of Pajaro, and surrounding communities. It is currently in the pre-construction, engineering, and design (PED) phase with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and includes improvements to the levee system along the Pajaro River, Salsipuedes Creek, and Corralitos Creek. As a pilot project for USACE’s Engineering with Nature program, it involves setting back miles of the existing levee system from the river channel and places an emphasis on providing ecosystem enhancement opportunities along with flood risk reduction benefits. R&F has been providing engineering support for the planning and design of this exciting project.